Day 1:
Following the procedure, color will appear darker.
It is very important to remove the lymph from the surface of the skin in order to avoid heavy scabbing. Blot lips every 15min for 1HR right after procedure to help reduce scabbing.
Blot lips as needed.
Keep your lips moist with ointment. Do not let your lips dry.
Tenderness, Dryness, Itching, and Swelling are normal reactions of the body.
You can try sleeping elevated to help with swelling.
Day 2-7
Color will continue to darken on the second day.
A scab will begin to form. Continue to apply ointment. Avoid picking at the scabs as this may cause scarring.
Pigment will fade by as much as 40-60%
True color will come to surface by week 4.
Avoid ( 3 days following procedure)
Hot, citrus, spicy, salty foods as it may cause added irritation.
Direct sun exposure, rubbing, and smoking.
(Do) drink through a straw.
If you suffer cold sores and are not using ZOVIRAX or any other anti-viral medication I will not be responsible for excessive color loss.
Only apply ointment on lips, no makeup or exfoliators until lips are completely healed.